Step by step tutorial
1. First, login your Admin Panel by going, type in your Login ID & Password
2. Once logged in, go to System Modules > Content Management
3. Find the page you wish to add content to, and click on either the page name, or click on the edit button on right side of the page
4. Start typing in the content. You may edit the formatting of text by using the correct tools. (Please refer to, section 2.7 DIY Editor Control Buttons)
5. Once you are done, click on the submit button below to commit changes.
6. Refresh the page and you should see the page updated.
Video Tutorial
Please refer to the tutorial video below:
This video consist tutorial of how to:
1. Log in your CMS admin panel.
2. Edit content of existing page
3. Insert image to the content of a page
Step by step tutorial
1. Go to System Modules > Content Management
2. On the create new page part, type in the name of the new page.
3. Click on the green "+" button.
4. Adding in the title of the page.
5. Start typing in the content. You may edit the formatting of text by using the correct tools. (Please refer to, section 2.7 DIY Editor Control Buttons)
6. Once you are done, click on the submit button below to commit changes.
7. You have successfully created a new page.
8. Then, go System Modules > Menu Management
9. Type in the menu name
10. Then select the page you wish to link to from the link panel below.
11. Click create new menu button.
12. Done.
Video Tutorial
Please refer to the video below
This tutorial video wll teach you:
1. How to create a new page
2. Adding content to your website
3. Create another new menu button
4. Linking the newly created button with the new content page
Step by step tutorial
1. Go to System Modules > News & Event
2. Click on the New Message button.
3. Adding in the title of the news.
4. Start typing in the content. You may edit the formatting of text by using the correct tools. (Please refer to, section 2.7 DIY Editor Control Buttons)
5. You may select an image for the news' thumbnail by scrolling down and click on the Browse button in the image column.
6. Browse your computer and select the image, and click Open.
7. Once you are done, click on the submit button below to commit changes.
Video Tutorial
Please refer to the video below
This tutorial video wll teach you:
1. Create new News on your website
2. Adding content to the news
3. Select image for the News's thumbnail
Step by step tutorial
1. Go to System Modules > Product Catalogue
2. Click on the New Product button.
3. Type in the name, description, price, and weight of the product. You may edit the formatting of text by using the correct tools. (Please refer to, section 2.7 DIY Editor Control Buttons)
4. You may select up to 2 images as the thumbnails of product. Click on the Browse button then select image of the product.
5. Click submit to commit changes.
Video Tutorial
Please refer to the video below
This tutorial video wll teach you:
1. Create new Product for your website
2. Adding information of the Product
3. Select image for the product's thumbnail
Step by step tutorial
1. On our DIY Editor, click on the Insert/Edit button (You may refer here:, section image 3.1.2)
2. Click Browse, then on the pop up window, click select image button, then select image from your computer.
3. Click upload. Your image will uploaded to our web server.
4. Once uploaded, click on the image.
5. Then click on Insert button. (Click ok on the pop up window)
6. You image should be inserted at the cursor position.
Video Tutorial
Please refer to the video below
This tutorial video wll teach you:
1. How to upload image from your local computer and upload it to our web server.
2. Selecting image already stored on our webserver and insert it inside the content of your page.
* This tutorial showing the way of adding image inside content management, but it can be apply to News, Products, Faqs and other page. *
Step by step
To create new menu
1. Go System Modules > Menu Management
2. To create a new menu, type in the menu name, then select the link you wish to link the menu to from the link panel.
3. Click Create new menu button.
To edit new menu
1. Go System Modules > Menu Management
2. Go to bottom of the page, you will see your existing menu. Click on the edit button of the menu that you wish to edit.
3. You may start editing the name or the link of the menu.
4. Click Update Menu button.
To sort menu order
1. Go System Modules > Menu Management
2. Go to bottom of the page, you will see your existing menu. You will see some numbering on the menu, that is the queue order of the menu.
3. Start arrange your menu by selecting the menu order number. The menu will queue from smaller number to higher number.
4. Click Update Menu button.
To delete a menu
1. Go System Modules > Menu Management
2. Go to bottom of the page, you will see your existing menu. Click on the "X" button to delete the menu.
Video Tutorial
The video below teaches you some useful and frequently used menu functions.
This tutorial video wll teach you:
1. Create new Menu and link it to any page from your website.
2. How to sort the menu order.
3. How to edit existing menu.
4. The way to delete a menu.
Step by step tutorial
1. Go System Modules > Scrolling Messages
2. Type in the content of the scrolling message. You also also add image, but it is not recommended.
3. Click submit.
Video Tutorial
Please refer to the video below
This tutorial video wll teach you:
1. Create new scrolling message on your website
2. List all existed scrolling message